
Fans in the GBM Stand of the LNER Stadium

Since being created in 2018, the Fan Advisory Board (formerly the Supporters Board) has deservedly provided the fans of Lincoln City Football Club with a voice on key non-football matters including finance and strategy which is listened to by the club's hierarchy who regularly use our input and views to steer their decision making on matters which have included seasonal membership pricing, heritage items, club branding, stadium developments, potential new investment and playing kit designs.

The formation of Fan Advisory or Shadow Boards was one of the key recommendations of the Tracey Crouch Fan Led Review in 2022. We were already in a strong position at our club with an established Supporters Board in place as part of the excellent fan and community engagement which our club board value highly and we all continue to enjoy.

Fans of all sporting clubs deserve to have input into the running of their club together with an opportunity to question and challenge decisions when necessary. Our Fan Advisory Board provides an effective means of achieving this at Lincoln City Football Club whilst further strengthening fan engagement at our club.

Our Fan Advisory Board consists of a diverse group of twelve independent supporters representing our club's fanbase who regularly meet with the club's decision makers. We changed our name to the Fan Advisory Board in September 2023 to reflect our implementation of the recommendations (and more) of the government's 2023 White Paper (on reforming football governance to ensure the financial sustainability for all clubs in the football pyramid) following which we took the opportunity to review and strengthen our own structure, constitution, Memorandum Of Understanding with our club and democratic election process all of which together with profiles of our members and agendas and minutes from our previous meetings can be found below.

Please get in touch with us by emailing if you would like us to discuss any off-field matter with the club.

Fan engagement has never been stronger in the long history of Lincoln City Football Club than it is now and long may it continue.

Tony Smith - Chair of the Fan Advisory Board