Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI)

A view from the stands of the LNER Stadium

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion pledge

Lincoln City recognises that, historically, the traditional football supporter environment has sometimes been labelled a barrier to allowing everyone to fully enjoy the football fan experience and has not been perceived as wholly inclusive.

Nevertheless, Lincoln City is committed to promoting a continuous and proactive approach to equality, diversity and inclusion and will actively champion and celebrate difference by welcoming supporters from across the community.

As evidence of this commitment, Lincoln City was the first EFL club to establish a designated female supporter group – the Lady Imps Supporters Association was established in 2017 and remains a valued member of the Lincoln City family today. Lincoln City also recognises that it has a social responsibility to lead the way in encouraging more young females to get involved in sport.

Click here to read our 2023 equality, diversity and inclusion report

Lincoln City pledges to: 

  • Abolish the use of gender stereotypical terminology – for example by replacing the traditional term ‘ball boys’ with matchday ball assistants.
  • Continue to collect and review equality monitoring data to measure the impact of inclusivity messaging and communication campaigns.
  • Promote best practice of corporate and social responsibility by ensuring its partners and sponsors celebrate and welcome equality, diversity, and inclusivity among matchday guests.
  • Use imagery and video which showcases diversity across its fan base, alongside the workforce, stakeholders and partners.
  • Only support campaigns that demonstrate integrity in line with their own pledges, and where participation will have a long-term impact.
  • Actively promote opportunities for female sports participation.
  • Ensure regular and engaging communications with its stakeholders.
  • Create and celebrate an inclusive environment by endorsing the non-acceptance of all forms of hate crime, misogyny and all other form of discrimination.

Ways to report to Lincoln City Football Club: 

The club reporting tool

IMPS + your message to 66777 (standard message rates apply).

Telephone: 07908 829499 (Matthew Murgett, head of governance and compliance)

Contact Kick it Out (0800 169 9414) or the Football Association (0800 085 0508)

Via the free Kick it Out app

EDI contact details:

Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) lead:

Matthew Murgett

Head of governance


07908 829499

Disabled liaison officer (DLO):

Heidi Langham


Click HERE for Lincoln City's EDI policies.