Montsma thrilled to make comeback

Lewis Montsma.

Lewis Montsma thanked City fans for their support after he was greeted to a rousing reception on his return to competitive action in Spain.

The defender suffered an unfortunate injury to an anterior cruciate ligament in March 2023, but showed great mental strength to make his comeback against Preston North End on Friday.

He said: “It was very nice to get that welcome. It was good to have the supporters out here - I didn’t expect for there to be so many. 

“It was very good of them to be here and do that. That felt special, of course, but every fan I’ve spoken to has been so positive about me and wanted me back so much which helped me a lot.”

Montsma recently signed a new contract with the Imps to extend his stay at the LNER Stadium for another six months, and the Dutchman felt it was the right decision for his future.

He continued: “I wasn’t thinking about leaving and was happy to stay - that is the best step for me. 

“You have to make the best decision for yourself to get fit and play your best and Lincoln is the best place for me.”

Getting back out onto the pitch at the Pinatar Arena took a lot of hard work and graft, and Montsma was thrilled to enjoy the fruits of his labour.

He added: “It did feel like a milestone, I was a little bit nervous but it was very good to get 30 minutes in. 

“We started pre-season two weeks ago, but I’ve worked very hard before that- I’ve not gone on holiday and have trained the whole off-season. 

“The hard work has paid off, so I’m very happy with what I’ve done in the off-season and that’s what has allowed me to play.”