Bike shelter impacting stadium carbon footprint

Dom Jefferies and JJ McKiernan.

City’s efforts to create a more sustainable environment at the LNER Stadium have begun to have a statistical impact.

In 2022, in response to a fan survey on sustainable travel, the Imps installed a bike station on the stadium footprint to encourage staff and supporters to cycle to work and to the match to help reduce the club’s carbon footprint. 

This investment has already started to pay dividends and has contributed to a significant reduction in the volume of cars at the LNER Stadium.

As part of the Imps’ ongoing efforts to help reduce carbon emissions, anyone using the stadium, including fans travelling to home games, are being encouraged to consider cycling as an alternative.

City’s head of operations Damian Froggatt commented: “The football industry globally produces around 30 million tonnes of carbon emissions every year, and we know that fan and staff travel accounts for around 70% of our own emissions here at Lincoln City.

“This is just one small step on our sustainability journey but we’ve already seen the benefits with more staff and fans choosing to bike to the stadium, reducing air pollution and contributing to a cleaner, safer place to work and visit.

“We would actively encourage more fans to make use of this facility and join the club in our collective efforts to become a more sustainable community club.”

The LNER stadium bike shelter is located in the south-east car park adjacent to the County Emergency Centre (on a matchday, this is within the players’ car park next to the University of Lincoln Fan Village) and is accessible seven days a week.