House enjoying being back in the fold

Ben House has enjoyed his transition back into the first-team following his lengthy injury lay-off.

The striker hadn’t made an appearance since August before coming on as a substitute against Burton Albion in early February.

House said: “It’s quite tough coming in so soon with some big games, but I’ve enjoyed it. 

“I think I’ve fitted in nicely, I’ve just got to get the goal tally up - it’s nice being back in with the boys.”

The Imps travel to Oakwell on Saturday as they take on promotion-challenging Barnsley, but House is confident that City can compete with the Tykes.

He added: “Against Stevenage we were all up for it. We didn’t get the result we wanted but you could see that we put everything into that game. 

“Barnsley are a big team who are always up there, it’s a big game for us. 

“We can’t be too down about the result against Stevenage, we just have to go to Barnsley and do the business.”

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