Confident Erhahon ready for next challenge

Ethan Erhahon believes his decisive equaliser to earn a point at Wycombe will help his side kick on as they head into two big home games at the LNER Stadium.

The midfielder’s last-gasp strike ensured the Imps left Buckinghamshire with something, and he wants that confidence to be followed up with good performances against Derby County and Peterborough United.

He said: “I was pleased to score and give the supporters something to celebrate, it doesn’t matter how they go in but we’ll take this into the next two home games.

“We’ve got players coming back and a couple more to return soon from injury, and as we get used to the new players we’re only going to get better.”

Erhahon felt his side’s impressive second-half show meant the point was the least they should have got fom the game.

He added: “We put a lot of pressure on them and deserved a goal for sure, having had one ruled out and not let that disrupt us.

“In the second half as a whole we showed real belief, we were a lot better and deserved a goal if not two.”

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