City celebrate at End of Season Awards

Players, supporters and club employees came together on Sunday to celebrate a memorable campaign at the annual Awards Evening.

A packed out Engine Shed saw Lukas Jensen crowned City’s Player of the Season - capping off a memorable first year at the club, which saw the Danish goalkeeper keep 19 clean sheets in the league, with the top prize.

Jensen said: “I’m very proud and honoured to receive this award. To finish the season with the run we did was a special experience in itself.

“I couldn’t do anything without my team-mates and I think I’ve got the best in the league, it’s a young group and we have an unbelievable connection. Without them I wouldn’t be here with this award.”

Ethan Erhahon was named Players’ Player of the Season, with Lasse Sorensen claiming the Partner Player of the Season prize and Joe Taylor recognised as the club’s top goalscorer.

Sean Roughan was chosen as the Young Player of the Season after another impressive campaign which has seen the 21-year-old make 45 appearances and establish himself as a first-choice centre-back.

There was a special moment as chairman Clive Nates was surprised with the Special Recognition Award to honour everything he has done at the club - with a standing ovation from everyone in the room when his name was revealed.

Lincoln City Women also celebrated their campaign, with Faith Horner taking the top prize as their Player of the Season.

Ella Thompson-Moulding was voted Players’ Player of the Season, with Toni McHamilton recognised as top goalscorer.

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