Jackson takes positives from point

Adam Jackson felt City’s draw at Bristol Rovers was a good point for the Imps.

Jackson had initially given City a 53rd minute lead after following up on Ethan Erhahon’s stinging drive before Rovers equalised in the third minute of injury time. 

He said: “All the lads are gutted, but after we reflect, we will look back and probably think this is a good result.

“The lads have been working hard with three games in a week so it’s probably a good point in the end.”

City have conceded just three times since opening day defeat to Bolton, and Jackson was complimentary of his fellow centre-backs who have provided strong competition for places. 

He added: “I thought they were both excellent today, and against Sheffield United, I thought they were both top drawer.

“Sean Roughan played a lot last season, and he’s come in this season and got better and better. He looks so comfortable on the left side of our three. He’s got everything - he’s got pace, he’s got technique and he’s got the tactical knowledge of playing there now as well.”