A message from Clive Nates

City chairman Clive Nates has provided the following update to supporters.

Firstly, on behalf of the board I’d like to express our thanks for your patience and ongoing support for the team during this time of change. For some it may have seemed a slow process, but we were determined to ensure we took the necessary time to conduct a rigorous approach designed to identify, evaluate and secure a head coach with the right skills and personal attributes.

In Michael Skubala we believe we have achieved just that and see him as a progressive appointment who shares the club’s ethos on player development, style of play and ambition. We are confident Michael will develop our talented squad and evolve our identity in the direction set by the club while delivering winning football. Together our ambition is to challenge at the top of League One.

I would also like to recognise the contribution of Tom Shaw. We knew Tom was a talented coach who had the respect and full support of the players and we have been extremely impressed how he has handled the challenge of interim head coach. He is destined to progress in his coaching career, so we are therefore delighted that he will be taking up the role of assistant head coach.

We sit ninth in League One with a talented group of players alongside a new, exciting head coach, who along with his team, are committed to enjoying a successful season. The staff and board of the football club will give them every support in creating the environment to help them deliver. I know you, our fans, will play your part too in giving Michael a warm welcome while getting behind the team and driving them on as you have always done.

Up the Imps!
