Imps trio called up for international duty

City Academy products Oisin Gallagher, Sean Roughan and Julian Donnery have all been selected to represent their country later this month.

The Republic of Ireland have once again chosen Roughan for their U21 squad. The defender has featured heavily for the Imps after playing nine of the last 10 league games. 

Midfielder Gallagher has been selected for Ireland’s U19 team as they gear up to face Slovakia, Estonia and Greece in their European Qualifiers Elite Group Phase on 18, 25 and 28 March.

There’s also a first Scotland U18 call up for Julian Donnery who will be part of the team travelling to Wales ahead of their two friendlies in the upcoming weeks.

Director of football Jez George said: “We are proud that our academy is producing players that are being selected to represent their countries.

“As well as Sean, Oisin and Julian, we also have other players in younger age groups also representing their national team. 

“This international recognition is testament to the hard work of our staff, the commitment of the club to developing home-grown talent and to the qualities of the players themselves.” 

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