Imps to host AGM and fans forum

The club will be hosting its Annual General Meeting followed by a fans forum in the Legends Lounge on Thursday 23 February 2023.

Unless you have previously notified us that you wish to receive a hard copy of correspondence by post, the papers for this year’s AGM will be sent to all shareholders by email. Consequently, if you are a shareholder and have not already provided us with your email address, please email the company secretary as soon possible at

The AGM which is only accessible to shareholders will start at 7pm with arrivals from 6.30pm into the lounge. Please note that every shareholder wishing to attend will need to obtain a ticket. 

To book on to the AGM, please click HERE. Supporters who book on to the AGM will not need to book a ticket for the forum.

The fans forum will begin at 7.30pm (arrivals for 7.15pm) which will present supporters with the chance to put their questions to the extended panel including chairman Clive Nates, chief executive Liam Scully, director of football Jez George and head coach Mark Kennedy.

This is a free event and fans can secure tickets by clicking HERE.

If you secure a ticket and can no longer make it, please return this ticket to enable another supporter to attend in your place.