Erhahon: Community is key

Ethan Erhahon has dived into all things City after signing for the club on January’s deadline day.

The Scottish U21 international has been busy in the community after settling into his new home, something the midfielder is keen to implement into his time with the Imps. 

He said: “I think the older you get the more you realise how significant the community around you is. It is important to keep a strong connection with the local people, the supporters, the staff - it is vital.  

“Connections off the pitch are just as important, if not more so, than the ones you make on the pitch. I’ve been down to the Lincoln City Foundation to meet the students there and it was great.

“I want to be seen not only as a player, but as somebody they can talk to if needed and I hope that comes across.” 

Whilst Ethan has settled off the pitch, he says the decision to move away from home and his boyhood club was difficult. 

It was the club as an entity that attracted Ethan to make the switch to the Imps. From the supporters through to the staff at the club, the package as a whole was a proposal he believes he could not turn down. 

He added: “I was shown a PowerPoint on a Sunday after Jez George had travelled up and watched me play on the Saturday. 

"One thing I was told before I came here is that it is a positive environment from the fans through to the staff.

"It’s a real tight-knit community and that had a big say for me coming here too because I wanted to come somewhere where I’d be accepted.” 

Erhahon is the featured interview in Saturday's edition of ‘WeAreImps’. Supporters can purchase a copy on matchday from selling points around the ground, including the ticket office or club shop, or have it delivered to your door HERE!