Kay relishing LNER Stadium return

Captain Amy Kay is hoping Lincoln City fans come out in force to back the women’s team when they play at the LNER Stadium again on Saturday.

With the men’s first team not in action on Saturday due to the international break, the women’s team will host Newcastle United as part of a double header which also sees the men’s U18 side take on Huddersfield United.

Kay said: “It’s our second game of the season at the LNER Stadium - we’re very fortunate to be playing there and excited to be back.

“The pitch is outstanding for us to play on and we want to take every opportunity we can to showcase ourselves and keep growing the club.”

Kay says the increased support for the women’s team this season from the wider Imps fanbase is appreciated by everyone connected with the club.

She added: “To have so many people at the LNER Stadium was brilliant, they were our 12th man and helped push us on.

“We also had more people down for the game against Sporting Khalsa on Sunday. The interest has definitely increased. Any game against Newcastle United is massive so we hope to see plenty of City fans down to watch us.”