Sanders enjoying life in the City

Max Sanders is closing in on two years as an Imp after the box-to-box midfielder arrived from Brighton and Hove Albion to bolster the midfield options during the City's run to the Sky Bet League One play-off final.

Fast forward 24 months and after taking his time to settle into life in the city, the 23-year-old is an established EFL central midfielder and a valuable asset to the Imps' squad. 

Max said: “When I first joined the club I had to get used to the city of Lincoln, and it was during the pandemic so there wasn’t too much to see and do. But, since it has all opened up, I’ve really enjoyed living here. It’s a lovely place to be and the people are really friendly.  

“Like anything it can take time to get used to, but all of the lads are really good and I get along with everyone throughout the club, so it is a good environment to be in both for the players and the coaching staff I think.” 

A regular in the City squad throughout the season, Sanders and his team-mates have enjoyed runs in two of the three cup competitions while also being sat midtable in Sky Bet League One.  

Mark Kennedy has often stressed this is evidence his side are delivering on their objectives for the season and remain on an upwards trajectory. These sentiments are very much reciprocated by the playing squad, Sanders explained. 

He added: “As a collective we have done quite well, we could be higher if it wasn’t for individual moments and fine margins, but on the whole, we have done well and beaten some top teams. We have to be a bit more ruthless at times, but we all have confidence in what we are building so I am certain that will come. 

“On a personal note, I think my levels have been decent, but I know I can do more. I can be happy with how I have gone about my game this season, but like I will always say, there is plenty more I know I can work on. I will continue to do that with the facilities and coaching staff we have here.” 

Max Sanders is the featured interview in Saturday’s edition of ‘We Are Imps’. You can purchase your copy for £3 at various selling points around the LNER Stadium, including the club shop or online HERE!