Kennedy pleased with controlled City display

Mark Kennedy is delighted with the way his side controlled possession on their way to another three points.

The Imps extended their unbeaten home league run to nine games with a battling 2-1 win at home to Morecambe.

He said: “Particularly in the first half, I thought we were in total control. We were very patient, passed well and waited for our opportunities. 

“We want to play as well as we can and we did that in patches during the game which was pleasing to see. 

“What we cared about was winning the game because it puts us into a really healthy position heading into a two week break from league action.”

Ben House scored City’s second of the afternoon and his sixth of the season on Saturday, and Kennedy was especially impressed with the work the striker did off the ball.

He added: “I was pleased with Ben House’s performance. His game understanding out of possession is outstanding and a lot of people will not see that if they are not here. 

“He sets off so many counter attacks and I was really pleased to see him score. I have not seen somebody better in our league than what Ben House does tactically out of possession.”

Watch the Imps are back in action against Morecambe on Tuesday evening and purchase your ticket HERE.