Young Imps set to face Leicester City at LNER Stadium

The Imps' under 15 side will host Premier League Academy side Leicester City at LNER Stadium in a showcase fixture on Tuesday 29th March 2022 (7pm KO).

Supporters can cheer on the young Imps by securing their ticket now, CLICK HERE to get yours.

All fans will be seated in the Selenity Stand with adult tickets priced at £2 and all under 18's receiving a kids for a quid offer! Turnstiles will be open from 6pm with cash pay on the day available. 

Academy Manager, Jordan McCann spoke about the event saying: "This is a great opportunity for our under 15 age group to step onto the turf at the LNER Stadium, something which all of the boys will remember for years to come. It is also a brilliant chance for supporters to tak​e a look at the hard work we put into the academy, with the ultimate aim of producing more homegrown players for the future. 

"We look forward to seeing as many Imps fans as possible on the evening to support the boys in a tough game versus Premier League Academy side Leicester City."

Visit our ticketing website now to purchase your ticket for the fixture!