Monthly draw winner – November

November’s monthly prize draw winner is Fundraising for Matthew and James, who are a family raising money for twin boys with cerebral palsy who have undergone selective dorsal rhizotomy.

The operation involves cutting some of the nerves in the spine to loosen the spasticity in the legs, with the brothers now undergoing on-going physiotherapy, potentially for the rest of their lives, to make the operation worthwhile and beneficial to them. 

One of the more specialised physiotherapy centres the family visit is in Wales at the cost of £400 per person, per visit. 

By winning the monthly prize draw, the family can now raffle away their prize of a Lincoln City shirt signed by the playing squad. 

If you would like to find out more about Fundraising for Matthew and James, you can do so by visiting their Facebook page HERE! 

In order to be in with a chance of winning December’s monthly prize draw please email 24 hours before January 1 with the following information:  

- Full name  

- Address  

- Email address  

- Contact telephone number  

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