Kennedy delighted with City response

Mark Kennedy has praised his side’s response which saw them put in a resilient performance against high-flying Bolton Wanderers.

The Imps battled to a 1-1 draw against Bolton in the final fixture of 2022 and Kennedy is pleased with the improvements shown since the Boxing Day fixture.

Kennedy said: “I thought we were outstanding, resilient, disciplined and structured. We showed a lot of heart and it was a brilliant response from Boxing Day. I thought every player was outstanding.

“It is difficult after watching us on Boxing Day to come out and say this happened or that happened it wasn’t good enough, it basically wasn’t us, and I thought tonight was a real reflection of us.”

The City boss also applauded the Imps fans for the atmosphere they created at the LNER Stadium under the lights.

He said: “The atmosphere was amazing and I really enjoyed it. It was a real special night in terms of the fans.

He continued: “I know we drew today, and we want to win games, but I think the fans have walked away very proud of the team, likewise we are very proud of them.”

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