Imps and LISA to host female fans forum

The club have teamed up with the Lady Imps Supporters Association to host an online fans forum for women which will take place on Tuesday 17 January 2023.

The forum will begin at 7pm via Zoom and provides an exclusive opportunity for City fans to ask questions. It will be hosted by Maria Ryder from LISA with City chief executive Liam Scully and Elite Pro Sports chief executive Lee Jenkinson both in attendance.

Current agenda items include:

  • matchdays
  • merchandise - shirts to shin pads
  • media - social media experiences 
  • Lady Imps Supporters Association - the future? 

Supporters can send in their questions/suggested topics to

To book onto this event, CLICK HERE. Supporters who secure their place will receive a confirmation email followed by a Zoom link to join the meeting the day before the event.

Note: This is a woman-focused event with an inclusive definition of women. We welcome & respect those who wish to attend including trans women, those who are nonbinary, gender non-conforming, and anyone who identifies as a woman in a way that is significant to them. We also welcome allies who want to help make our club supportive of people who are typically underrepresented in football.