Eyoma proud of career landmarks

Whilst football may not have returned home this winter, there is one member of the Imps squad who is familiar with winning on the international stage.

TJ Eyoma was part of the England U17 squad in 2017 which saw the Three Lions win the youth world cup out in India for the first time ever and formed some memories which will live with the 22-year-old for a lifetime.  

He said: “It was a long time ago, but the feeling of winning the tournament will never change.  

“It was probably the best thing to happen to me, representing your country and winning the World Cup. We spent a long time out in India, and it really felt like all the hard work had paid off and it’s an experience which will live with me forever.”  

Lifting the most sought-after trophy in international youth football is undoubtedly a highlight TJ will cherish, but so too are the achievements he has made for the Imps in club football.  

He added: “Winning the World Cup is definitely up there in highlights for me because it was my first experience of winning something, but it’s an achievement as important to me as playing first team football and making my debut at Lincoln.   

“It’s been very good to get to 100 appearances and to do it at the age of 22 is some going. I just want to keep racking them up for Lincoln and hopefully in the future, be playing at the highest level with the club.”  

Eyoma is the featured interview in Friday’s edition of ‘We Are Imps’. You can purchase your copy at various selling points around the ground, or have it delivered straight to your door HERE