Anthony Scully: The supporters have been fantastic from the moment I arrived

A proven goal scorer at League One, Anthony Scully has one again had a prolific season for City. The Irishmen has produced stand-out moments across the season, coming through with important goals or creating important chances on a frequent basis.

The impressive numbers Anthony has posted are testament to his hard work in training and the advice of the coaching staff who have encouraged him to begin mixing-up is offense. Taking aboard their advice has seen the forward change his patterns of play which has kept his opposite number guessing.

He said: “I remember a few games recently where I’ve gone around the outside of my marker instead of cutting inside and looked to get a cross in because I understand the importance of mixing my game up.

“I’m aware a lot of my goals this season have come from dropping the shoulder and hitting that far corner and the coaching staff have been showing me how teams double up to stop that happening.

“That’s why it’s been positive having full-backs like Jamie Robson and Cohen Bramall because if defenders are stopping me from coming inside, that’s not a problem – I can keep sliding my teammate in all game long.”

Inevitably, on the back of two goalscoring seasons follows acclaim from the Imps faithful. Anthony is keen to outline the way in which the supporters have taken to sticking by the team during difficult moments, and how their backing is a source of pride for him and his family.

“The supporters have gone from not being able to watch us but having their team make a play-off final, to being able to see us play but at the other end of the table. It’s been difficult for them, but they have continued to show support for us and that has been vitally important for a young group

“On so many occasions they have out sung home fans and that speaks volumes for how impressive they’ve been. From the minute I’ve walked in they have been brilliant and that has never changed.”

Anthony Scully is the featured interview in Saturday's edition of 'We Are Imps'. You can purchase your copy of the programme at selling points around the ground, including the club shop, or online HERE.