Draper attitude pleases boss

Michael Appleton is delighted with how Imps youngster Freddie Draper has dealt with his recent jump into first team action.

The 17-year-old striker has found himself in the starting XI on two occasions in recent weeks and the boss believes he has a promising future in football.

He said: “From a mentality point of view Fred’s handled it really well and shown maturity when he’s played.

“He’s got a good future ahead of him as long as he keeps a level head, he’s got a good family, and we’ll help him develop as much as we possibly can over the next six, 12, or 18 months.”

Appleton expects both sets of players to give their all, with a place in the third round of the competition a great incentive.

He added: "The players are aware of the opportunity to play against the top players in the third round, but we have to focus on how we can beat them and work on areas of their game where we can hurt them."