200911 Jorge grant

Jorge Grant has enjoyed the opportunity to captain Michael Appleton’s Lincoln City side in recent matches, describing it as a ‘proud’ moment.

“It has been massive, Bridders (Liam Bridcutt) is normally captain, as he was towards the end of last season, but I have stepped in recently” said the midfielder.

“For me to step in was massive and I am really proud to have done that for the club. I have taken on a lot more responsibility this year, especially around the training ground, I am embracing it.

“There’s only a few of us over 25, probably three or four so for us lads with experience we need to help out the younger lads as much as we can.”

The 25-year-old who joined the Imps last summer continued by giving an insight to the squad, explaining how he has taken responsibility around the training ground: “As you get older you want to have more involvement in that sort of stuff.

“Us older lads help out with the fines and other little bits. I have had two good weeks without a fine so hopefully that continues. I think Aaron (Lewis) has been the biggest offender so far.

“It’s nothing too serious, I think being late is probably the big one because you don’t want to be late, they are the heavier fines. We have good banter with it though especially the little bits like leaving your jumper and kit about, it helps team morale.

“It is a new squad with new players joining so it is important everyone gets to know each other, that will only help us on the pitch as well as off the pitch. We have a really good group at the club, it's exciting.”

Grant turned his attention to Saturday’s Sky Bet League One opening game saying: “The first league game is alway exciting, it is disappointing we won’t have the fans there, but we know they’re behind us. We can’t wait to get started tomorrow."

The 25-year-old briefly added comments about his pre-season: “I worked hard over the break; I had a gym in my garage which helped me gain some weight which I needed to do.

“When you look at the time that we have had away, I wouldn’t say I have ever had this amount of time away from football. It has been good in a way because it has allowed me to work on things, I might not have been able to in the past."

Jorge finished by praising the fans, speaking about how he looks forward to their return.

“The fanbase we have at the club is massive, it is amazing, and they really give us an extra buzz on the pitch. We will have to create that for ourselves now because they’re not here.

“I hope we can have the fans back as soon as possible, but I will give my all either way. I think having no fans in the ground can make things struggle to get off to a quick start because there’s not atmosphere but I know they'll be cheering from home.”