
As times continue to remain uncertain for so many in the light of the ongoing situation in the City, County and around the country, each member of the Lincoln City first team squad have today made a donation The Sincil Foodbank.

Every day there are people who face the prospect of not knowing where their next meal is going to come from and The Sincil Foodbank was been created to help halt the hunger in Lincolnshire.

Joe Morrell who has previously donated to the Sincil Foodbank, said that he and the players all wanted to contribute to those who are finding times particularly testing and his and all the player's thoughts are with those whose problems may been magnified by the recent coronavirus pandemic.

“We all as a group were thinking is there anything we could do to help people a little, and I’ve donated to the food bank in the past.  So, with the times as they are, it made sense to do it. As footballers we're quite fortunate in the respect that we won’t be as affected as some will be, so we wanted to this to help those who aren't as fortunate.” Joe said.

“It’s an unprecedented situation really but in difficult times the people at Sincil Food Bank continue to do so much for people and anything we could do to help them was the very least we could do.”

Members of the City fans group, the 617 Squadron, have also made a sizeable donation to the Sincil foodbank in the past 24 hours in another example of how the community is coming together to support each other in these difficult times for all, we're all proud to be #ImpsAsOne

For more information on The Sincil Foodbank, they can be found on social media on Facebook – HERE , Twitter – HERE or donations can be made via their gofundme page which can be found - HERE