200402 Imps Rewind Coventry

You can relive that memorable fixture away at the Ricoh Arena from April 2018 as it will be streamed live on our YouTube channel from 3pm on Saturday afternoon.

We are also thrilled to dedicate this fixture to our new charity partner, CALM as we aim to raise vital funds and bring people together through their love of football. CALM are there to look after everyone’s mental health so we have teamed up with our Platinum Plus Partner LNER to support them. You find out more about CALM by CLICKING HERE


You can donate to our CALM Just Giving page HERE. 

Imps Rewind will also feature on our Twitter feed with the historic imagery and tweets from that special day available for all. We will once again be hosting an online match day experience with 50/50 tickets available to purchase along with numerous live offers and discounts from our retail partners EPS so please keep an eye out on our social channels.

50/50 Tickets

Last weekend one lucky supporter won £477 and this could be you this week!

You can purchase your 50/50 tickets for Saturday’s rewind fixture by CLICKING HERE. These tickets are available until 10pm on Sunday so make sure you snap them up to secure one of three great prises. 50/50 tickets will be available online for every Imps Rewind over the coming weeks. This weeks prizes are;

1st Prize – Cash

2nd Prize – Call from David Kerslake

3rd Prize – Call from a 1st team player

The draw will take place live on Monday 6th April 2020.

Our offers will be changing week on week and if you purchase 50/50 tickets at every Imps Rewind fixture, you could win a free season ticket for the 2020/21 season.


EPS Offers In Game Offers

The game will be packed with live offers for discounted merchandise so please keep your eyes peeled on our social channels throughout the day. Clue – Don’t miss the first minute!

So sit back, relax and watch the drama unfold by CLICKING HERE or get involved on social media... 
