180614 BGU

Our long serving partners Bishop Grosseteste University (BGU) will be stepping down as the home shirt sponsors after five years.

BGU have supported the Club throughout our non-league period and into our return to the EFL.

We would like to thank them for their fantastic support over the years, and they will still remain associated with the Club as sponsors.

Commercial Director Ritchie Bates said, “We’d like to thank BGU for their backing throughout difficult times and I’m delighted they also got to experience the last two years under the Cowleys.”

“Their involvement has been vital to the success the Club has had over the last 5 years and we are delighted that they have agreed to stay on as Club sponsors.

"We have an excellent relationship with them and I hope for this to continue into the future.”

Looking back on the last 5 years Reverend Canon Professor Peter Neil, Vice Chancellor of BGU, said: “It has been a pleasure to support Lincoln City and help them grow in their journey back to the football league.

"Working alongside a local club with such a similar community ethos and dynamic leadership to our own has provided a meaningful relationship of real benefit to both parties. We look forward to seeing that relationship continue to grow in the future.”