170914 iFollow Update

We are constantly reviewing club and fan feedback on iFollow as part of our wider strategy to feed user experience improvements into the roadmap. One point that was raised a number of times early in the season by a selection of supporters was that they struggled to locate the matchday audio/video streams on iFollow. We have worked with Realise and NeuLion to conduct a thorough UX review and will be rolling out the following enhancements later this week:


  • Login Improvements: Following the release, regardless of where a fan logs in from, they will be redirected back to the page from which they originated. This should help to negate the issue of people visiting the match centre, clicking 'sign in / register' and then landing on the my account page. They will now be returned to the match centre from where they can access live streams.
  • Fixture/Result Block Change: Information will now appear underneath the block outlining what the match centre is and where subscribers can access live content (see attached screenshot)
  • Match Centre Header Block Change: The block now gives clearer information around when live content will be available (see attached screenshot).
  • New ‘Skinny Next Match’ Block: This is a more compact/flexible version of the next fixture block which can be used on a number of pages across the sites to direct people to the match centre. For example, dropping this onto the iFollow hub page will assist any fans who (out of force of habit from their PlayerHD days) are heading straight there to access live content. Read more here.
  • The wording on these blocks, within the grey bar, can be changed by clubs. Read this Zendesk Support article for more information.